I would love to go over to his house to help her but that is not an option for me as I am not welcomed there. Very bad communication problems between us and he is not willing to work anything out for her sake. I have decided to take her to a play therapist to see if she can help out in this situation plus some other issues that have arisen. Thank you for your help!
Apr 10, 2012 Rating
concerned by: Anonymous
She does urinate when she is with him. She has no problem having bowel movements when her grandparents or godmother watches her. I don't think embarrassment would be an issue since she can have a bowel movement with other people when they watch her. And if embarrassment was the case shouldn't she feel at ease with her father after all he has changed her diaper since birth? When asking her why she doesn't have a bowel movement at his house she just says that her poop is not happy there.
CBG: Perhaps, if you are able, going to his home and having her have one 2-3 times while you are there would help her feel more comfortable. Is she able to wipe herself? Could it be she doesn't want him to wipe her?
Apr 09, 2012 Rating
very concerned by: Anonymous
She does go to the bathroom at other public places besides our home. Once she was with her father for the day and he took her to her soccer game and she held it till I got there and came over to tell me that she had to go to the bathroom and that her belly hurt. So my concern is why she is not feeling comfortable enough to ask her father or to even go to the bathroom at her fathers house.He has her for 10 hour days and almost every night when she comes home she heads straight to the bathroom or ends up in there within 15 minutes of coming home!!
Child Behavior Guide: Is she willing to urinate when she is with him or does she refuse to go altogether? Is it possible she is just embarrassed to go in front of him?
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