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ABA Therapists and Schools for Autism Therapies

Learn how to find the best ABA therapists for children with autism symptoms or PDD NOS. Applied behavior analysis is the most effective evidence-based approach for treatment of autism.

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Time Out for Toddlers and Older Kids - Parenting Tips for Discipline

time out for toddlers page

Learn the best way to apply time out for toddlers and older kids as well as other ways to discipline a child.

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Ways to Discipline a Child - Parenting Tips

parenting tips discipline page

Learn the best ways to discipline a child, effective parenting tips and other positive methods for helping children of all ages with behavior problems.

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Child Discipline Methods - Effective Parenting Tips


Learn effective child discipline methods and parenting tips for kids of all ages and developmental abilities.

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Forms of Discipline for Toddlers and Parenting Tips

how to discipline toddler

Learn forms of discipline for toddlers using redirection, time out for kids and other logical consequences.

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Work from Home Opportunities, Extra Income or Self Employment

Learn about the best work from home opportunities, earning money from Google ads or an affiliate program.

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Obsessive and compulsive behavior from 9 year old son

Question: My son has had many worries for the last couple of months. He has been writing them down which seemed to help. Now he gets very overwhelmed

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The Autism Vaccines Debate: Do Vaccines Cause Autism?

The most controversial autism vaccines debate has many parents questioning whether they should be giving their children vaccinations.

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Work From Home Selling - Start Your Own Business

4 stages of business growth

Learn about the best online jobs to work from home selling products. Spend more time with your family and still make good income.

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Legitimate Work from Home Jobs and Online Business Opportunities

Learn about legitimate work from home jobs or how to start your own business and earn extra income so you can spend more time with your family and children.

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Start a Work at Home Business

Learn the best information on how to start a work at home business and become a consultant so you can spend more time with your children and family.

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Scam Free Work from Home Employment and Business Opportunities

Learn ways to find a legitimate scam free work from home online opportunity, phone jobs, and selling positions for moms and dads.

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Anger Management Techniques for Children and Teenagers

Learn the most effective anger management techniques for children, learn free activities and ways to help prevent aggressive behavior.

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ADHD Treatment - Diet, Charts, and Positive Behavior Supports

Taming Your Tiger ECover

The best ADHD treatment options with alternatives to Adderrall and Ritalin, to eliminate symptoms using behavior intervention plans focused on poor listening skills, attention and memory.

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Integrated Listening Systems for ADHD, Autism, and APD

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Services for integrated listening systems available in Fort Wayne, IN or anywhere nationwide as an affordable treatment for autism, ADHD, or APD

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Rachel Skinner Miller, MA, BCBA, LLP - Education, Experiences

Rachel Headshot

Find out more about Rachel Skinner Miller, the author of, her education and experiences.

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Down Syndrome Characteristics, Effects and Treatment

Guide to learning about Down syndrome characteristics, including cognitive, behavioral and physical characteristics.

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Autism Products - Recommendations and Reviews

Guide to recommended autism products and books related sensory processing disorder (SPD) symptoms.

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Aggressive Children, Child Behavior Problem, Toddler Hitting

Learn how to repond to aggressive children and ways to prevent child aggression and tips for developing anger management in children.

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Exercise Helps ADHD Behavior

Getting children with ADHD involved in sports, could be even more beneficial than just burning off energy. According to David Bucci, an associate professor at Dartmouth's Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, exercise also involves other factors. Observations of children with ADHD in Vermont summer camps revealed that athletic players tended to display a better response to behavioral interventions than children who were more sedentary.

It was also discovered that previous experiments in laboratory rats with ADHD-like behavior revealed that exercise was able to reduce the extent of these behaviors. The team observed that in the same way as exercise affects male and female children with ADHD differently, exercise also proved more beneficial for female rats than males.

The team then proceeded to examine the dynamics of how exercise appears to improve learning and memory, the 'brain derived neurotrophic factor' (BDNF), which plays a role in the developing brains' growth. They discovered that BDNF expression in exercising rats was positively connected with improved memory.

This could prove to be a valuable intervention for children with ADHD. By getting them involved in exercise and sports, along with other behavioral interventions, the need for psychotropic medications may not even be necessary. It would be especially neat to see how it could affect students to continue to have recess throughout their teen years, engaged in sports or other exercise activities once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

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School Discipline

Sometimes it can be frustrating as a school professional to deal with child behavior problems in the classroom. It is also frustrating as a parent that can’t be there to observe or intervene during such problems. I’m not quite sure how they discipline at other schools, but I have to say I am very impressed with the discipline policy at my oldest son’s primary school.

Each child has a set of 4 cards that are displayed on the wall in the classroom for all to see. They go in order from green, yellow, pink, and red. Each child starts the day on green. When a classroom rule is broken, the child first gets a verbal warning and a card pulled showing they are now on yellow.

If a rule is broken again, the child gets another card pulled showing they are now on pink. Pink means the child has to serve a 5 minute time out during a recess. If another rule is broken, the child goes to a red card and has to miss an entire recess. During recess the child must go to a behavior room to write a plan, read a book related to behavior etc.

If a child reports to the behavior room more than once in a week, a possible noon or after school detention is assigned. Parent contact is made if this occurs repeatedly to arrange a meeting. Severe behavior, such as physical aggression, results in the child immediately going to a red card and meeting with the principal during an entire recess.

During this time the principal walks around the playground with the child talking about what happened and what they will do differently next time.

At the end of the day each child has a calendar in his folder that allows the child to color the appropriate day based on what card they ended on that day. I think this is great for the child to be reminded of how they did that day.

Other consequences include: Restitution work, Saturday school, counseling and in school suspensions.

The reason I think this is such a great discipline policy is because it doesn’t reward escape behaviors by removing the child from the classroom during learning time. One of the worst things a school can do is have a consequence be time away from the classroom.

You ultimately end up reinforcing behavior that is due to the child disliking the classroom. For prevention, classes should incorporate fun activities that not only allow them to learn, but also allow them to see learning is fun!

Father's Age Linked to Autism

It looks like they are discovering a link to autism in children with fathers that are older. This may be related to the increase in children diagnosed with autism since many individuals are having children later in life. Some notable findings from the study...

- For every extra year in the father's age, there was a two-mutation per year rise in offspring

- They also identified the genetic characteristics associated with autism in the genomes of families with diagnoses of autism

- In an autism patient subgroup, they identified two defective genes - EPHB2 and CUL3

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Positive Behavior Supports - Intervention Plans

Taming Your Tiger ECover

The best guide to positive behavior supports for any child to help prevent behavioral problems and encourage desirable behaviors without the need for child discipline.

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Temper Tantrums - Ways to prevent a child behavior problem

Learn how to say no without temper tantrums in toddlers and how to avoid other child behavior problems, such as aggressive behavior in children of all ages.

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Chores List, Printable Reward Charts, Children Responsibilities

chores list 2

Find out the best chores list as recommended by age and download free chore charts for kids.

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