5 year old refusing to poop at fathers house when he gets her for his visitation

Question: My 5 year old daughter refuses to poop at her fathers house when he has visitation with her. This is a very big concern of mine.

She will not tell me why she does not feel comfortable enough to go other then her poop is not happy there. This is causing alot of questioning in my head about the father or fathers family. Anyone else that have issues with this please tell me what you have found to be the problem.

Answer: Is she able to go in other places besides her home with you? If she is able to go in other public places and her father's home is the only place that she will not go, I think you have a very good reason to feel concerned.

If she simply does not go anywhere, but your own home, this can be anxiety related to going in unfamiliar surroundings. Perhaps working with her on going in public places might help relieve her anxiety and allow her to feel more comfortable going at her fathers house as well.

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