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Aug 17, 2011
Is there a bully in his class?
by: Anonymous

Is there a bully in his class? My nephew experienced similer issues along with nightmares and tantrums. My sister questioned the teacher and the principal about his sudden change in behaviour. They said they didn't notice anything! At school he was a perfect angel. Meanwhile, at home he was vomiting with anxiety begging my sister not to send him to school. It all came to a head when a child in the class brought a knife to school and was removed from the school. My sister found out this student was classifid special education because of behaviour from another parent who knew the family. This student was a known bully on campus and would often physically and verbally threaten his peers. When this child left my nephew became his old happy go lucky self again. The nightmares and the vomiting stopped and so did all those bumps and bruises from the playground. My nephew finally told her he was scared of this other little boy because he hurt him and said mean things. I would be aware of what is going on in his classroom as much as possible. Ask other parents, teachers, neighbors, whomever you must to find out your information. My sister found out from a family friend about this little boy. She wasn't trying to betray the family, but after the knife incident I think she felt my sister had the right to know because the school legally could not tell her.

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