Here you can download free printable certificates for children, to use as positive behavior supports, including a blank award certificate and free behavior charts. What better way to show your appreciation and help motivate even the most defiant children than with kid awards.
Printable certificates for kids can be used along with my free chore chart or behavior charts as a way to recognize when a child may go above and beyond. The last certificate is especially great for parents as a potty training tool to emphasize the importance of becoming a big kid. When giving certificates, make sure to talk about how proud you are of them and how proud they should be of themselves.
You may even consider getting a frame for them to put it in or having a special place around the house that you post all of the awards they get. A good place for this could be a wall in their bedroom to display all of thee certificates for children they have earned or even on the fridge.
Note: You will need to temporarily turn off any pop up blockers to open a certificate or hold down the CONTROL button while clicking.
You will also need Adobe Reader (the latest version is recommended) installed on your computer in order to view the certificates for kids. You can get Adobe Reader here (a new window will appear so you can download it without leaving this page, but you will need to temporarily disable any pop up blockers).
If you want to open it in your browser window, just click on one of the images. However, if you want to download the file to view later, then right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save File As." Then select where you want to save it on your hard drive.
Once it is saved, locate where you saved it, and double click to view.
In order to print, open and select the "Print" option.
Certificates for children that are potty training, are a great way to get them excited about maintaining the progress then have made throughout their training. Especially for a child that has just managed to use the toilet by themselves or stay dry for a specific period of time, there are endless ways to give rewards throughout each step of the process. You may even give it to them while also throwing a party or giving them some other type of large reward that was promised at the start of potty training.
In cased you missed it be sure to also check out these additional Certificates for Children!