Down Syndrome Statistics, Frequency, Lifespan

down syndrome statistics, frequency of Down syndrome

Learn the most common Down syndrome statistics and life expectancy for children born with this chromosomal abnormality.

Finding out your child may have a disorder during pregnancy can be very upsetting, so one of the most important statistics to remember is that prenatal testing for Down syndrome (DS) during the first trimester has about a 5% risk of showing a false positive.

Down Syndrome Statistics:

• The frequency of Down syndrome from 1979-2003 incidence increased by 31%. (see table)
• It is the most common cause of birth defects and occurs in approximately 1 per 800 to 1,000 births, although it is statistically much more common with older mothers.
• Approximately 40% of children with symptoms will have a medical condition that includes cardiac abnormalities.
• Approximately 95% of people have DS due to non-disjunction, which is also called Trisomy 21
• Amniocentisis testing has a one in 200 chance of miscarriage.
• Chorinoic Villus Sampling (CVS) has a one in 100 chance of miscarriage.
• Amniocentisis, Chorinoic Villus Sampling (CVS), and Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) testing are about 98-99% accurate in diagnosing DS.
• The current down syndrome life expectancy is 55 years old
• Older woman are 5 times as likely to give birth to a child with DS.
• There are more male than female children with characteristics ages 0-19.

Down syndrome statistics show that at least half of all individuals diagnosed will also have a mental health concern at sometime during their life. Therefore, Down syndrome treatment will often involve behavioral support. Some challenges may include aggressive child behavior and frequent, severe tantrum behavior that might persist into adolescence.

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1. Cauldwell, K. (2006). Down syndrome Information: Characteristics of DS & DS Information: What is DS?. 10-11-10.
2. Brenzk. K. (2006). DS Facts and Misconceptions. 10-11-10.
3. Mayo Clinic Staff. (2009). DS: Test and Diagnosis. 10-11-10.
4. Wikipedia. Down Syndrome. 10-18-10.
5. Centers for Disease control. DS cases at birth increased. 3-24-11.
6. National Down Syndrome Society. Mental Health Issues and DS. 3-24-11.

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