MMR Vaccine and Autism: Is there a link?

Nurse holding needle with MMR vaccine

The most notorious study claiming a link between the MMR vaccine and autism was conducted by Andrew Wakefield, but was later retracted. Andrew Wakefield, a surgeon and medical researcher, attempted to show that within a short period of getting this shot that children had not only developmentally regressed, but also acquired gastrointestinal symptoms.

Four years after the study other researchers claimed to be unable to replicate his findings and that the results of his study were influenced by unidentified financial conflicts of interest. Apparently, he was being paid by a law firm intending to sue vaccination manufacturers, information he failed to reveal.

I have to wonder if his results were proven to be invalid due to the effect they had on parents refusing to give their children this vaccine. He still stands by his research, regardless of how he has been discredited. However, cases of measles have been on the rise since the release of the study caused a decrease in immunizations, despite the results being retracted.

Measles Infection, MMR Vaccine and Autism 

One possible theory for a link between the MMR vaccine and autism includes a low grade measles infection in the bowels after vaccination. The theory claims that it results in having difficulties with gluten and casein, causing gastrointestinal problems and the opioid effect that produces autistic symptoms. Placing the child on a gluten free casein free diet appears to alleviate the symptoms and eliminate the opioid effect. I have worked with a number of parents that claim seeing an almost immediate effect of spaciness and regression that was not there prior to the vaccination.


Another theory relates to the rubella portion of the vaccination. The disease rubella has been known as the first proven cause of autistic disorder. Some people claim that the Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccination may actually be one of the first preventative vaccines simply because it is supposed to prevent rubella. However, being that it contains the rubella virus, isn’t it possible to conceive that the MMR vaccine and autism are correlated? Despite this theoretical question, there are no studies to prove this theory. I find it to be very difficult to find any research related to this topic from independent resources. There are claims that studies are proving there is no correlation, but the fact does remain that it really isn't possible to prove there is NOT a correlation. You can claim that you can't find one, but ultimately the only thing studies can really PROVE is that there IS a correlation between the two. 

Animal and Fetal Tissues

They do make a separate shot that can be given that only contains the measles and mumps virus for concerned parents, which also appears to be a better vaccination for those that are morally concerned about the aborted fetal cells that are used to make the MMR and other immunizations as well.

Yes, you did read that right. Many people are unaware that this particular shot and some other vaccines are made with aborted fetal cells and also appears to be correlated with an increased trend in this disorder as discussed on my page about which vaccines cause autistic disorder...

Many people find this very disturbing for religious purposes, but there's also the consideration that perhaps the body is rejecting the foreign cells being injected into the body. Perhaps the body is creating a type of auto-immune disorder by attacking those cells and ultimately other cells of the body resulting in the symptoms of autistic disorder? All very good questions and things that should be investigated. 

Regardless of what your decision is when it comes to vaccinating your children, the best thing you can do is to educate yourself. Learning about ingredients and adverse effects is important, which is why I have created these pages to provide valuable resources for individuals that are looking for information. I have also found the following books to be extremely valuable in providing alternative schedules and more specific information relating to each shot.

There is also the philosophy of corrective chiropractors that all illness is simply caused by the misalignment of the spine and what is referred to as subluxations of the spine that can happen at birth and ongoing depending on any falls or activities that have strained the back. 

More on the MMR vaccine and autism debate
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