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Jan 21, 2012
2 year old has started playing with her genitals
by: Anonymous

My two year old granddaughter, excuse the word humping anything she can find to press her vagina on and rub. Is this normal? I don't know if I should yell at her or not. Help what should I do?

Dec 11, 2011
by: Anonymous

So the only way to counter this problem is by closely monitoring them. That can be said to a lot of other problems and doesn't really solve it though. Wouldn't hitting their hands be a better option? Try reasoning with them afterwards might help.

Child Behavior Guide: No, closely monitoring is not the only way to solve the problem. This is a situation that needs to be closely reviewed by a professional. I can not provide specific advice through a Q and A page on a website without being able to review the case personally for this type of situation.

Once another professional is able to do a valid assessment of the situation they should be able to provide good advice. I would not recommend hitting a child at all period, but especially not following any type of sexual behavior. Punishment could lead her to have sexual inhibitions later in life and hinder child sexual development.

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