Comments for My 10 year old son poops himself purposely

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Oct 18, 2011
fiber gummies
by: trixie1426

My son (now 5) went through thd same thing. I had a hard time believing him as well and tried absolutely everything and then I found I get them at cvs. I give him 2 in the morning and 2 at night plus i made (still do) a trip to the bathroom a routine (usually as soon as we get home each day. He started giving me issues about going when I told him to go, however I decided to let him take his nintendo ds to keep him busy as well as keep him from rushing. I really hope this can help the both of you!

Oct 12, 2011
Not necessarily.
by: Anonymous

He could be afraid of bathrooms, and start a viscious cycle, as my 10-year-old son has done for years. We've tried absolutely everything to get him to sit down on a damn toilet. None of it reaches him. He will hold it in so he can play, or whatever, in spite of painful cramps. He will hold it in for a week, and then it will be so painful that he can't go anymore. He'll scream and holler and punch holes in the wall, then splat his pants. He's just going to have to figure it out on his own.

Give up. Nothing works. He's just going to have to figure it out on his own.

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