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Aug 23, 2011
Don't Despair
by: Anonymous

I was like this as a child.Maybe even worse.I was said to have fed soap to my little brother because i was told i musnt eat soap myself.I cut up our leather couch and my mums silk scarfs,blocked the toilet many times with rags ...and the list is endless.Oh yeah,i also threw hot tea on a guest once.

My parents sent me to boarding school and that fixed me...its not being away that did it,but the very rigid structure and routine together with a defined punishment and reward system.So am not saying that you ship her off somewhere,dont get me wrong.Some of us need more structure than others.Just follow the above advice from the expert

I am 33 now,I am a RN,law abiding and basically normal to the point of being boring.

Aug 03, 2011
Great advise from the expert!
by: Anonymous

Super nanny may also be a good idea in this case.

Aug 03, 2011
Great advise from the expert!
by: Anonymous

Great advise from the expert!

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