Potty Training Tools

free potty chart

Download free printable reward charts and discover other great potty training tools for getting your child toilet trained in 3 days only. A chart is one of the best tools to help your child learn the necessary skills needed to be ready for the official day of getting trained. In order to start the potty training in three days guide, you will want to have the necessary items available and may want the preferred items as well.

Necessary Items and Potty Training Tools:

The following items are important for your child's success. I have tried to provide as many ideas as possible to help with costs, but remember you will always be saving from not using diapers or having to use costly disposable training pants!

Cloth training pants

• Big boy or girl underwear
• Preferred snacks and juice

to make sure your child’s feet touch the ground on the toilet unless you are using a small chair.
• Training Day Tools and Activities –(these can be any of the following, but the more you have the better)

1. At least 2-3 kids books

about toileting (you can probably find some at your local library to check out)
2. Coloring pages with toilet, paper, sink, soap, towel etc. I have created one below you can download for free.
3. Doll that urinates

4. DVD potty training movies

, such as Elmo Potty Time and Bear in the Big Blue House (we found these at our local library)
5. You can also get a free pull ups potty training DVD that my son really liked with some neat games you can play.
6. Miniature dolls

or action figures with a miniature toilet to pretend play.

coloring page to download and use as potty training tools

Preferred Items :

These are ideas for potty training tools that can make teaching much easier, but they are not necessary. One I do highly recommend is the doll. It aids in learning, making it go much faster and makes it seem more fun to your child, but again it is not absolutely necessary to your child's success. I have taught parents how to train without it.

certificates for children

• Printable certificates for children becoming a Big Kid.
Small potty

that fits your child or toilet seat topper

(I personally like the Potty Scotty chair for boys because it allows them to sit quickly and comfortably without having spills on the floor)
Vinyl training pant covers

– these help to limit accident messes
Anatomically correct doll

that wets
Waterproof Covers

for your child’s car seat to help with accidents.
Potty chart to help track your child’s progress and motivate learning the necessary skills needed to start.

Additional recommended pages:

free social stories for potty training kids

When to start
Tips on Potty Training – DAY 2
Potty Training Tools for Public Places – DAY 3
Bowel Movements
Free Social Stories - Going Potty

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