Question: My daughter is refusing to come out of diapers and refusing to use the toilet. She is going to start school next year. What should I do?
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Question:I have a 10 year old adopted niece who sometimes does feces in her pants without telling anything to her mother who finds it hours after. I feel like this is a serious psychological problem that her mother does not realize. I need a reference to convince her to check it out with a therapist. Thanks
Answer: It's hard to say whether this is a psychological problem or a medical problem. However, it definitely would be a good idea for her to talk to the pediatrician about this behavior and any other possible factors that may be related. The pediatrician would be able to better evaluate the situation and determine what type of help is needed.
Some important things for her to tell the pediatrician are - How often is this happening? What, if any, events surround the incident? Where does it usually happen? What time of day does it usually happen? and How does she respond when confronted about it?
You may also consider reviewing my page about potty training bowel movements to see if there may be some information there that could be helpful to her as well. Some children may just have difficulties knowing when they have to go or could have an undetected urinary tract infection causing the problem.