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Apr 19, 2012
Just Don't Understand
by: Anonymous

I'm very worried about my 3 year old Greatgrandson
he is VERY mean with his 9 month old sister, he hits, pinches, pulls her hair, even when she's sleeping in her car seat next to his,he squezes her hand hard, and when he gives her a hug it's very hard, I told my granddaughter I think there's something wrong with him. If I get after him, he hits me or, like today he was sitting behind me in his carseat, he reached up and pulled my hair, or like yesterday he hit me with a plastic sword and it cut my arm. I'm afraid he will really hurt his sister. There is bipolar in the Granddad's families on both sides,could that have any thing to do with this horrible behavior? My granddaughter said it's just the norm
I had 3 kids, a boy then 22 months later a girl and 5 years later a girl. They never hurt each other.

Aug 21, 2011
sibling rivalry
by: Anonymous

excellent article. Ive often got very mad at my 3 year old grandson for trying to hurt his 15 month old sister. Then I feel bad about it. She is always trying to interfere during his night time readings and he understandably get very upset as he doesn't get the private one on one time he needs.

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