Golden Dip

by Avery Sullenger-Wedder
(Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Golden Dip

Golden Dip

Title: "Golden Dip"
Two siblings and a good friend enter the brisk waters of Lake Michigan for a final swim of the day in front of an amazing golden sunset.

Location: West Olive, Michigan/Lake Michigan

Title: "Hand in Hand"
I took this shot of our youngest son, Luke, and his friend, Ben, as they raced down the shoreline of Lake Michigan. This was another evening where the sky was an amazing golden- red color and was just magical.

Location: West Olive, Michigan

(Click on the smaller icon to view each picture at the top of the page)

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Flower Child

by Jill Wellington

My cousin's four-year-old daughter was fascinated with the wildflowers that line the walking path near our home.

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Jump if you love the beach!

by Peg born
(Point Pleasant Beach, NJ)

Jump if you're having fun!

Jump if you're having fun!

The fun never ends at the Jersey Shore with my daughter and her friends.

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Beating the Heat

by Roni
(Vestaburg, Mi)

Konner slip sliding

Konner slip sliding

This is a picture of my 2 year old nephew at a gathering to celebrate our nation's independence......Konner loves the water and as you see he enjoys the slip and slide....

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Fire away

by Laura Whitter
(North Attleborough, Massachusetts, USA)

About two weekends ago my family and friends went to this spectacular event in Providence, Rhode Island. This event is called WaterFire, which has fire on water, it's such a beautiful experience and such fun. The wait of the firewood being lit can be so unbearable and then the fire is finally lit and now you watch the fire dance and move to the beat of the wind. This event is such a beautiful summer event and I love going to it every year.

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Alyssa at the Beach

by Ashley Carlton
(Wesley Chapel Florida)

Alyssa at the Beach

Alyssa at the Beach

My daughter Alyssa enjoying one of our beautiful beaches here in Florida.

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Red, white and BLUE

by Becky Hughes
(Norman, OK. USA)

** HAPPY 4th of July !! **

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"I'm ready for Summer, mom"

by Erica Lopez
(Phoenix, Az, United States)

This is a picture of my son Daniel (6years old) getting ready to go swimming for the first time.

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Splashing Into Summer

by Lisa
(Clifton, NJ)

Summer vacation in Cape Cod.

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First Family Camping Trip 2011

by Melinda
(Ormond Beach, FL USA)

This picture was taken on our first family camping trip. We drove a whole fifteen miles to the coast of Florida and camped on a cliff above the shoreline. After just waking up, Gavin (7), Layla (6) and Carter (3) were encouraged to put on their hat of choice. It's obvious how much bonding we did on this camping trip when all three of them eagerly lined up and smiled for the camera. If you haven't tried camping yet, I definitely recommend it!

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Sweet summertime 2011

by Brittany
(North Carolina)

Audrey ready to go down to the beach on vacation in june 2011!!

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Aaaaah refreshing!

by Heath

Our 18 month old daughter takes a taste from the sprinkler.

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Dream vacation in the Adirondacks

by Tammy

We had the pleasure of being allowed to take our foster children on a month long camping trip in Upstate NY. During this time our two autistic children actually engaged in social and creative play with each other while sitting at the campfire and had a great time.

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It's Popsicle Time!

by Amy Kahn
(Mill Valley, CA, USA)

Just made some home made popsicles for my kids. My son is actually in his birthday suit because it was so hot, but you can't tell. They were just sitting, laughing, eating their popsicles and put their arms around each other when I asked them to smile. I thought it was such a genuine picture of siblings showing love and enjoying the Summer!

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by Claire Latendresse

Claire Latendresse

Claire Latendresse

In my photo i'm waiting for a Hawaiian play to begin and my mom is making a funny face that made me smile

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Life is Sweet

by Lisa

Swinging into a fun summer

Swinging into a fun summer

Sabrina 15 months - just got out of the pool and drying off in her swing with an ice pop!!!

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Cali Girl

Cali Girl

Cali Girl

Beautiful,sun kissed cali girl breaking in her new swimsuit for 2011 summer fun.

Contact information has not been submitted for this photo. If you are the contestant for this photo, please submit your contact information (email is sufficient) through my contact page.

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Rock Triplets

Rock Triplets

Rock Triplets

I have 10 year old girl triplets and wanted to take some fun photos before school started back. We went down the road from our house to the railroad tracks to have some fun!

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Love for Talent

by Sarah Griffis
(Dimmitt, Texas, United States)



My picture describes my love for photography. I came up with the idea to color on a blank paper then hang it from the clothes line. I think this picture is great because the setting is nice, and you can tell the main idea of the photo.

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4th of July bubble fun!

by Holly Hirsch
(San Diego, CA, USA)

Maxwell enjoying the bubble gun while running around the front yard in excitement! He was waiving the American Flag in honor of Independence Day!

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by Angela Brown
(Waldorf, MD)

This is a photo of my daughter Eva at a church function this summer. This picture really captures her personality. She is SO FULL of life. She is a dancer and she loves swimming and traveling.

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Summer swimsuits

by Laurie
(helena, MT)

First summer

First summer

This is Zarrek age 1 yr (left) and Breeahna age 10 months (right) in their first ever summer suits.

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Summer Fun

by Wendy Foxley
(Clinton Utah)

Family and Friends

Family and Friends

I took my Grandson that is 20 months to the lake for the first time and he loved it. My Daughter and her friend were playing with him. He loved being tossed in the air.

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Hiking the Canadian Rockies

by Tracy Yengo
(Eau Claire, WI)

Hiking at Lake Moraine, Canada

Hiking at Lake Moraine, Canada

As educators, our occupation allows our family to take an annual 30 day camping trip each summer. We have hiked all over the 48 continental U.S. National Park lands. We have been blessed to see so many beautiful creations. This summer we ventured to Jasper and Banff National Parks in Canada. My children, ages 12-11-8-7, found Lake Moraine to be the favorite of this year's expedition! We just finished kayaking and swimming in the 50 degree water of Lake Moraine, then proceeded to hike to this overlook. The Valley of the 10 Peaks surrounding us is indescribable.

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Country Living.....

by Lindsay
(Austin, Texas USA)

My son, Logan was running through the pasture stripping down to only his diapers, boots and cap! 101 degrees - God Bless him!

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A Day on Middle Gull Pond

by Cheryl Walsh
(St. John's, NL, Canada)

Our family summer fun includes heading up to the top of Middle Gull Pond near St. John's, Newfoundland, and spending a day on our floating wharf. The kids enjoy swimmimg, floating on lounges, riding the ski tube, having a barbeque, fishing, and boating. But most of all, they enjoy having fun.

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Little Kayaker

by Jeni McIntyre

He wanted to go out and play with the big kids so bad.

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Still lovin' Barney

by Tammy

Barney still lives on. My grown daughter loved him as a child and now shares that love with her 4 year old foster sister. During our recent trip to a favorite children's play spot, I caught our little one in the throws of affection for her friend! Priceless!!!

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My Babies!!

by Destiny
(Henderson Tn )

These are some of my most favorite Pics from our wonderful summers!!

(Click on smaller icons to see those pictures at the top of the page.)

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by Cassidy Jean
(Leighton Pa 18235)


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All-American Fish

by Melanie O'Connor
(Chico, California)

All-American Fishin

All-American Fishin

Gannon, age 8, poses in front of our beautiful flag with his catches of the day, fresh from Little Grass Valley, Reservoir in La Porte, California!

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Fun in the Pool

by Melissa Scarfo
(Pittsburgh, PA)

This is a photo of my niece, Rylee having fun in her pool. I took this photo during our 4th of July, 2011 picnic.

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A Windy Summer Day

by Katie Lane
(Watertown, New York, USA)

We went up to the local park to try our hand at flying a kite. My 4 year old daughter, Harper, was loving the wind and her smile shows just that!

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Life through her eyes.....

by Amy McMeeken
(Lansing, MI USA)

Our favorite spot to relax and unwind

Our favorite spot to relax and unwind

These photos are from just some of the very special moments with my Daughter, Heather Elizabeth(8yrs). We do not let her ADHD effect our joy in life.

(click on smaller icons to pick which picture to see at top of page)

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Gone Fishing

by Katherine creel
(Thomasville AL, Clarke)

Taken By Katherine Creel

Taken By Katherine Creel

Clayton fishing in the river on his birthday

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Together again!!!

by Tara Johnson



We are originally from NY. In 2009 we moved to TX, then at the end of 2010 we moved to FL. My 15 year old son has struggled for many years with ASD, along with ODD and ADHD. Routine is crucial for him so our moves were very challenging. All he has wanted to do was go "home" to NY since we left.

My 16 year son got accepted into an Early College High School in TX while we were there. It is a brand new school and he is in the first graduating class! He will graduate from high school and a two year college at the same time when he is 18. He will be able to tranfer into his third year of university at 18. In order to allow him to keep this opportunity we made a TOUGH choice to allow him to move in with a wonderful family from our church in TX.

All of that to get to my picture. This summer I didn't plan on seeing our 16 year old. He works two jobs and we couldn't afford to get him here. My sister in NY bought a plane ticket for my 15 year old to go "home" for the summer. I was preparing myself for a sad, long summer!!

Well, my 15 year old realized how hard it is to be away and was ready to come home early. Then, the family that my 16 year old stays with surprised us by sending him for a visit in FL. These two events occured 4 days apart!!! This mom's dream, my four kids together, just how I love it most!!!

This picture is our first outing together, for the first time in six months!! We had an absolute blast. Watching my children begin to grow up and redefine their relationships is the priceless part of being a mom. No more fighting and sibling rivalry, just taking each moment they have together and savoring it!!!

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Take me out to the ball game

by Melissa Haidet
(Raleigh, NC, USA)

Take me out to the ball game!

Take me out to the ball game!

Captured the perfect moment of my 4 year old son enjoying his first baseball game.

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{ Getting away from it all . . . }

by Lena Ordaz
(Monterey, CA, USA)

We spent the 4th of July weekend at Monterey Plaza, it couldn't get any more perfect on a summer day!

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by Ariana Ezatullah
(Fremont , CA)

It when a new born baby is found by humans .

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Flea eating grass

by Riley Clark
(Santa Cruz, Ca, USA)

Flea the cat was eating grass when i took this picture

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Summer Fun with my Dad

by Tara Tuttle
(Fairburn, Ga USA)

This is my beautiful daughter Madison with her father swimming for the first time. This was taken before he left for more Army training. I love them both in this picture, it shows just how much they love each other.

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by Allison Speights

Richard was swimming in the pool, while on our cruise in St. Maarteen, under water making bubbles while smiling.

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Life's a beach!

by Joanne
(Renton, WA)

Fun in the sand

Fun in the sand

I captured this photo of my daughter flinging sand as we played on the ocean shore of Grayland, WA. (I actually used the "vintage" setting on my camera phone for this, and did no digital editing to it.)

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Bunny Love

by Anna Mouro
(Howell, MI)

Our Holland Lop had a litter of eight this summer. This is my two year old sister trying to feed one of them a carrot.

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